The Apple Butter Festival Logo Contest
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We're so excited to announce the Top Three Logos in the 2nd Annual Apple Butter Festival Logo Contest! Out of almost 30 entries, these were deemed the best by our panel of professional artists. Be a part of Apple Butter Festival history by choosing your favorite design! Voting ends May 22nd, 2024.
The winners will receive:
1st - $300 prize
2nd - $150
3rd - $75

Apple Mountain
Apples on Tree

Apple Downtown
Voting is now closed.
Thank you!
Art must feature apples.
Art must feature the words “Apple Butter Festival” and “Berkeley Springs, WV”
Art should not have the year or date of festival.
Art must be original and the intellectual property of the person submitting it.
Art must feature no more than 2 colors due to printing constraints. (Don’t forget
that black counts as a color!)
Art must have a release form attached with name, contact information, and
permission to be used by the Berkeley Springs-Morgan County Chamber of
Commerce and the Apple Butter Festival.
Artists can enter as many times as they like, please make sure a separate release is
attached to each.
Art must be received by hard copy or digitally at the Berkeley Springs-Morgan
County Chamber of Commerce office at 127 Fairfax St. by close of business on May
1st 2024.
Art becomes the property of the Berkeley Springs-Morgan County Chamber of
Commerce once received. Those wishing to have original works returned must
make arrangements to pick up after contest judging.
A panel of judges will review all submissions and their top selections will be
published for community voting. The winner will be announced on May 31st .
Winning design will be featured on t-shirts and other logo merchandise for the
Apple Butter Festival.